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Mind Mend Enhance Your Mind With Psilocybin
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Psilocybin Microdosing Guide A Resource for Beginners

Psilocybin Microdosing Guide – A Resource for Beginners

Talk of psychedelics is entering the mainstream again, and this time it isn’t just the hippies that are using them. Consumer interest in the topic is driving an increase in the marketing of pseudo-psychedelic products, 1960’s inspired fashion, and a renewed interest in mushrooms of all kinds. Silicon Valley may be partially to blame for this trend, as news reports of techies microdosing to enhance productivity and achieve a flow state flood our social media feeds.

mushrooms growing

Psilocybin For Beginners

Microdosing as a practice has various iterations, with the point being to experiment a little bit personally and find what works best for your schedule, work life and benefit.

man smiling in a gym

How I used science-backed Psilocybin to help my depression

If you are struggling with depression and have found it hard to heal, you are not alone. I hope my story is just what you need to help you realise there is a solution.  This story is about how I healed from depression with psilocybin, a.k.a magic mushrooms.   Hi! My name is Waleed. I am […]

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